When you rent the Mattamy Theatre and MinMaxx Hall there are additional rental guidelines that you need to follow. These facilities are often booked for larger performances and may require additional staff, equipment and services.
Staffing fees
Depending on the size and type of event, you may require additional staff to operate equipment and serve visitors.
Staff position |
Fee per hour |
Head technician (minimum five hours per call) |
$49.08 |
Head technician (over eight hours) | $73.62 |
Stage technician (minimum five hours per call) |
$42.05 |
Stage technician (over eight hours) |
$63.08 |
Duty supervisor |
$31.53 |
Front of House staff |
$28.42 |
Cleaners |
$24.05 |
Additional overtime charges will apply at 1.5 times the normal rate per hour if overtime is required or if staff are required before 8 a.m. or after midnight. The above rates and fees are effective Jan. 1, 2024, and are subject to change, pending Town Council approval.
Rental contract
Once you’ve submitted a rental request form, we will meet with you to determine the performance schedule and provide an estimated cost. After finalizing the event details, we will provide you with a rental agreement. This is a legal agreement between you and the Town of Milton. In order to confirm your booking, we need:
- A rental deposit
- Your signature
- Proof of Insurance (5 million general liability insurance)
Space allocation
- We are currently taking Theatre rental requests for the 2024-25 Season. September 2024 to June 2025.
The actual number of hours allocated to each client is reviewed annually. During peak demand periods (i.e. February through June), we reserve the right to limit the number of days available for each rental client in order to better provide access to as many clients as possible.
You must sell all tickets through our Chudleigh’s Box Office. We charge a base of $4.25 per ticket, and you can set the final price. We recommend that prices are round numbers.
We offer up to 20 complimentary tickets for the Mattamy theatre and 10 for the MinMaxx hall for each performance at no charge. Any additional complimentary tickets will cost $4.25 to cover printing costs. Note that everyone who enters the theatre must have a ticket, this includes your staff and volunteers.
Equipment rental and technical guidelines
We will determine the number of technicians needed during your booking meeting. This is based on your performance requirements.
All technical personnel are represented by IATSE Local 129. Please take note of the following rules regarding labour calls:
- Crews may work a maximum of five hours once per day.
- During which time there is a 15 minute break.
- After which time there is a one hour meal break.
- If the meal break is less than one hour, the break is paid through.
- If the meal break is less than 30 minutes there is a meal penalty that is one hour of extra paid time.
Please contact our Supervisor, Technical Operations at 905-878-7252 ext. 4906 with any specific questions regarding staffing.
We have three curtains available for every performance. Each curtain is manually operated and opens and closes from left to right (not up and down). We have a:
- Main red curtain
- Mid-stage black curtain
- Upstage black curtain
We allow the use of props and prop assistance. The number of props may require additional staff. Please let us know the volume, size and weight of the props prior to the show so we can provide the proper support.
All prop assistants must wear appropriate clothing and footwear while assisting in the facility. This includes:
- No open toed shoes or flip flops when moving props on or off stage
- Dark clothing
Some performances may include smoke or haze machines to help set the mood and tone of the performance.
Haze and smoke machines
We have one hazer available for use. Please contact us if you’d like to use the hazer for your performance. You must provide your own smoke machine. Due to the sensitivity of our fire alarm system, all smoke and haze machines must have pre-approval for use.
Pyrotechnics, including candles and any open flame, aren’t permitted.
House staff
We will determine the number of service staff necessary during your booking meeting. We will schedule our staff for two hours prior to the start of the show until the lobby is clear or all patrons and performers. The bar will usually be open 60 minutes before the show and during intermission.
Theatre etiquette
We strive to create an exciting and entertaining experience for all facility patrons. Please follow these guidelines:
- Food and beverages aren’t allowed in the Mattamy Theatre (except bottled water)
- Performers shouldn’t be in the lobby in costume
- Tap shoes and bare feet aren’t allowed in the lobby or theatre
- Please be mindful of strong scents and don’t use heavy amounts of perfume or cologne