Submission requirements
- The rental request intake is now open for the 2025-26 Season; the Season runs from September 2025 through June 2026. We will require that you submit a FirstOntario Arts Centre Milton facility rental request form.
- Space that remains open after the allocation period has closed, will be available on a first-come first-served basis and these requests will only be considered on a weekly basis.
Allocation notification and space confirmation
- If the dates listed on the rental request form are not available, the rental client will be contacted to make alternate booking arrangements.
- The FirstOntario Arts Centre Milton will make reasonable accommodation to allow rental clients’ access to the facility and rental clients who are able to be similarly flexible stand the best chance of landing on a mutually agreeable booking.
- Bookings are not confirmed until a permit has been signed by the rental client accompanied by a rental deposit and proof of insurance. A summary of all deadline dates related to the allocation process can be found below.
Theatre Allocation Timelines
Facility Type |
Applications Available |
Applications Due |
Schedule Complete |
Notices to Groups |
Theatre |
Oct. 1, 2024 |
Nov. 15, 2024 |
Mid-Dec. 2024 |
Jan. 9, 2025 |
Designation of theatre hours
Prime time theatre hours are: Thursday to Sunday (excluding holidays)
Non-prime time theatre hours are: Monday to Wednesday (excluding holidays)
Allocation guidelines
Allocation will be based on historical usage and new asks will only be considered after all other applications have been considered. Allocation for new asks will adhere to the procedures outlined in the ranking:
Priority rankings for allocation of space
Town of Milton Programs
Affiliated Youth Groups
Affiliated Adult Groups
District School Boards
Non-Affiliated Youth Groups
Non-Affiliated Adult Groups
Milton Based Commercial Groups (minimum of 75 per cent of registrants are Milton residents)
Non-Resident Groups & Non-Milton Based Commercial Groups